Jaspers Take on the Ride Home

Introduction: Japers Take on the Ride Home

Hi! This is Japer. I’m a dog. I’m supposed to tell you about my ride home from my perspective. I remember that day! All my brothers and sisters had been disappearing. I’m still not sure what that was about. It was a little scary and I was getting lonely.

I remember the ride in my breeder Addy’s car. She lives on a really bumpy road. We stopped at the end of it and just waited. What were we waiting for? No one told me and that made me mad so I did a bit of howling. I must have been howling when Mom arrived. Of course I didn’t know it was Mom then.

Meeting Mom

She got me out of the crate where Addy had me and held me while they took a picture of Addy, me and Mom. Then we got in Mom’s car. It helped that Mom had that blanket that smelled like my mother and brothers and sisters but I was very confused. Where were we going? Who were these people? Where was my mother and for that matter what happened to all my brothers and sisters?

I chew when I am stressed so I began chewing on Mom’s fingers and coat sleeve. She had a really nice-smelling bone she let me chew on instead. I chew all the time actually because my teeth hurt. I heard Addy tell Mom I was teething. What’s that? Anyway, that bone tasted pretty good. I was still scared. Who wouldn’t be with disappearing siblings and strange cars? But Mom seemed nice. She held me on her lap and stroked my coat. That felt good.

Be Prepared

So we were doing pretty good, riding along with me chewing on my bone but then I got squirmy. I don’t know why but I was really wiggly. Mom moved me onto her shoulder to calm me and then I threw up. A lot. Right down Mom’s sleeve onto the floor of their brand-new truck. Mom said I had perfect aim as it landed right in the creases and pockets where it was hardest to get out. Well, I guess that’s not surprising since I am very talented. Mom says so.

Anyway, I felt a lot better after that and could focus on the really important stuff like chewing on my bone, or mom’s coat if she let me, which she didn’t. It looked like it might taste good too. Just to say though if your puppy gets squirmy on the way home you might want to be sure you have lots of puppy pads. Even then if they are talented like me they may figure out a way to vomit on your car, so be prepared! Just saying.

We didn’t have a long way to go. I can’t tell time but Mom said we were lucky it was just an hour’s drive. I think that was because she wanted to clean up my vomit. I could be wrong. It was stinky but as I am a dog I am very comfortable with stinky. Why when I find a good stinky in the yard I roll all over it just to be sure It gets all over me. There is nothing better than a good stinky to roll in!

Coming Home Finally

Now where was I? Oh, I remember. We were finally going up Mom’s road, which I have to say was just as bumpy as my breeders were. I know you humans can make smooth roads as I have ridden on many by now but that Mom and Addy live on really bumpy roads let me tell you! Mom was lucky I didn’t vomit again!

No One Has Perfect Aim

Finally, we got there though and Mom let me out which was good as I had to pee bad! I did pee too, right on Mom’s shoe! It was just in the way somehow! I do like shoes, but mostly to smell and carry around not to pee on. OK, I would chew on them too but Mom has a rule about that.

It’s OK though I only peed on her shoe that once. Mom says I’m really very good at peeing where I am supposed to. I guess that’s part of being extra smart.

Anyway, that’s the story of my ride home. Got to go now and find something stinky to roll in!


Jasper the Dog

If you want to read Moms tips on brining your new puppy home check here

AKC German Shepherd

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