How to Socialize Your German Shepherd: Jasper’s Take

Hi, this is Jasper. Jasper the German Shepherd dog. I am supposed to talk about how to socialize your German Shepherd, which is a very important subject. I know this because Mom told me so.

Be Very Careful

First of all, you need to be very careful if your puppy has not had all his shots. There are lots of diseases puppies can get from other dogs that can be very serious. So don’t go to any dog park or dog classes until your puppy has had all his shots. You probably want to stay away from gas stations and rest stops too as everyone lets their dogs out at those places.

I am Puzzled

So I find the subject of socialization very puzzling. I am naturally a very social dog. I can honestly say I have never met a person I didn’t like. OK I did bark at that one guy, but he was running. You must be doing something wrong if you are running right? Turns out he was a doctor running to see a patient. Noones always right I guess. I just wanted to be sure Mom knew I was watching because thats my job when I am in the car. To watch. Everything. I get to do that a lot since I go with Mom everywhere.

I’m very good at it too. I watch and watch and almost never bark at anything. Well except other dogs. Mom says I need to stop doing that. She says I’m leash reactive. What’s that? It has something to do with chihuahuas. They make my shoulder blades itch.

People are Great. Mostly

Anyway, back to socializing. I like all people. The only problem is I want to kiss them all and Mom says not everyone wants to be kissed by an 80-pound dog. I don’t understand that at all, but I have learned not to jump up to kiss anyone. I also find short little people Mom calls children a little confusing. You humans come in so many sizes but then so do dogs I guess. I play with Mom’s grandchildren real well. I don’t even knock them over anymore and that was just my tail anyway. It wags you see. I don’t seem to have any control over it when I am happy, which I am most of the time. I have a very strong tail that can knock down small children.

Mom told her youngest grandson not to run around me as I might think he was a rabbit. Silly Mom. I knew he wasn’t a rabbit, but I did think he might be a puppy. Anyway, we worked all that out and now I play with them nicely when they come over. Of course, Mom is always there watching to be sure.

All the Paths Taken

We have been working on all this very hard. Mom took me to classes starting at 4 months. I’m not so sure that helped as other dogs were barking at me so of course, I barked back. Loudly. It would have been impolite not to, wouldn’t it? Only then they barked even louder and lunged on their leashes, so of course I barked louder too and lunged on my leash. That’s how I ended up in dog class prison. See.

They thought out of sight out of mind and I suppose it helped although it’s not like I didn’t know those dogs were there. Besides the other dogs didn’t get put in prison! Oh wait, that was the last class. Mom says she regrets that class as it taught me bad habits. What’s a habit?

Anyway, I somehow did manage to finish that class and I got a medal and everything. I was a star puppy!! They told us not to come back though. Thats confusing. If I was a star puppy why did they not want me back?

They gave Mom the name of a trainer but that trainer hit me with a shoe and made my lip bleed that was the end of that.


But by then I was barking at all dogs everywhere. Since this isn’t OK Mom sent me to a board and train with my breeder Addy. I like Addy a lot. We worked every day on training around other dogs barking. I got pretty good at not barking at dogs behind fences but alas I still wanted to bark at dogs when I got home

So now we are working on that by going to the dog store almost every day and sitting in the car waiting for someone with a dog to come out. Mom says she wishes more people let their dogs walk as I don’t seem upset at a dog being carried. That’s because if the dog needs to be carried I figure it’s no threat to me or Mom. Seems simple enough to me.

Why are People Mean?

We tried going to the dog park to work outside the fence but this really mean man yelled at Mom and told her she shouldn’t bring mean dogs up there. Who’s he talking about? I’m not mean. I give kisses and everything! I can’t help it other dogs make my shoulder itch.

I think mostly I just want to play with them but no one will let me. It’s a real bummer let me tell you! But Addy says it’s better all dogs are off limits to me right now so I can get over being frustrated by not being able to play with them and just ignore them. Addy says she never saw any sign of aggression just frustration, whatever either of those are.

How am I supposed to get better if no one will let me be around other dogs, even behind a fence?? Sometimes humans are dense. Mom almost called him a bad word but she restrained herself because she wanted to be a good example for me. If Mom were a dog I bet she would have been barking! See. I’m not the only one! Why are humans mean? I’m a dog so at least I have a valid excuse! Sigh.

Actually, Mom says she thinks lots of people with big dogs have this problem but the dog just ends up in the backyard on a chain alone or in a shelter because people don’t know what to do and no one is willing to help them if they even try to get help. I’m lucky because Mom will N-E-V-E-R give up on me. So we are on our way right now to the dog store to see if I can look at dogs without barking. We stay in the car for this. Mom says the goal is to eventually actually go in the store but one step at a time. Then we will go to Home Depot to train because it is H-O-T outside. If I am really good Mom may take the B-A-L-L out. I like that a lot! Better than treats even! Wonder why she spells ball instead of just saying it? Weird.

So I guess the thing to know about socializing your German Shepherd dog is that it is an ongoing process and you may have bumps in the road. When you do look for help. Just be careful it’s not some trainer who will hit your dog with a shoe!

To read more about my take on things, which of course you should since I’m a very smart dog, click here.


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