German Shepherd Resources

This site is a blog about my journey with my very smart German Shepherd, Jasper. Jasper was 8 weeks old when I got him. Here he is at 4 weeks. We went for a visit to the breeder. I recommend you do this. I picked Japer out of three possibles. I wanted a male and I wanted a sable. Of the three Jasper was the one that snuggled right up under my chin like he belonged there! Sold! I hope you find German Shepherd Resources helpful!

4 weeks
6 weeks

Isn’t he adorable!

Here he is at one year!

I’m guessing he is up to 75-80 pound and he stands 26 inches at the shoulders. If he puts his paws on my shoulders, something I generally discourage, we are nose to nose…hmm, nose to muzzle?? Anyway you get the picture. They do not stay small long at all. Every week we could visably see he was bigger than the week before and he is not done packing on muscle. He will probably pick up weight in muscle until he is two.

The first time I took him for a walk around the block in my very secluded neighborhood, he was chased back to me by a dog half the size he was then and he was only 3 months old. Before long he wasn’t running away any more, they were. To give Jasper credit he was almost always interested in playing but as he got bigger and bigger and less a puppy his free runs trotting behind me on my trike had to end as while I had no reason to believe he would hurt another dog, I wasn’t willing to chance it. Now all I had to worry about was my neighbors who did not keep their dogs up as while Jasper wasn’t one to start anything he was big enough to finish it!

So thats a little about my saga with Jasper. Hopefully some of the information I share here may be of interest to anyone considering a German Shepherd or who already has one and is wondering what did I get myself into?!

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