Hi there! This is Jasper! If you are wondering if German Shepherds are big chewers, being a fine German Shepherd myself, I can answer that question. Yes. I am particularly fond of paper. Oh, and Mom’s trees. But at least I don’t eat my bed like my brother Louie!
Here is the difference between Louie who is a 10 pound Pappillion, and myself. Well, for one thing I weigh 80 pounds, so there’s that. For the other thing, my teeth are longer and my jaw pressure is WAY more. This means I can rip up a bed way faster than Louie, although I gotta tell you Louie does a pretty good job to be so small. Now he has some super duper ‘no dog can destroy’ type of bed that does not look all that comfortable. But mom says it’s better than the floor.
Anyway, the truth is all dogs chew. Some breeds are worse than others. For instance, Mom’s son has a pit bull. Their dog ate their new couch!. Almost the whole thing! Boy, he must of had indigestion! I have never ate a couch! Not even a small piece of one. I wonder what they taste like? I probably shouldn’t go down that road.
I did eat a hole in the wall once. It was just a really small hole and I was only a puppy. Mom did NOT like that at all!. She made sure I could not get to the wall through my puppy pen any more for sure! Now that I am mature, I only eat an occasional tree and just about any cardboard or paper I can get away with.
Cardbord is really good! I love tearing it up into small chucks, and yes, I do eat some of it. Yum. Mostly though I just enjoy shredding it. I mean who wouldn’t? It makes a nice lovely mess that Mom then walks around picking up and says very bad words while she is doing it. It’s very entertaining! Sometimes I sit and watch her. If she gives me the stink eye though, I go lay on my bed and practice sad puppy.
Lately, it’s become harder and harder to find cardboard. I am suspicious Mom may be hiding it someplace! That Mom can be a killjoy sometimes. Sigh. But on the bright side, she give me these really good bones from the butcher to chew on sometime. Those are even better than cardboard!
They last a long time because they come from these things called cow femurs. I’ve met a cow, just recently. Boy are they big! They seem a little stupid though. Maybe like sheep. I’ve never met a femur though.
Anyway, the answers to the question are German Shepherds heavy chewers, which is yes. German Shepherd’s jaws are very strong. This is why you have to be careful what toys you give us. I personally see no problem with a little cardboard now and then, but Mom says it’s a bad idea.
As for trees, I am particularly fond of apple trees. I do love me a good apple tree to chew on. But Mom has all hers behind chicken wire now. I have to content myself with sticks that fall off the trees in our yard. Sigh.
Mostly, these days I just chew femurs and bully sticks. Mom says to tell you it gets better when teething is over but it never goes away. I would have to agree, Even at my mature age of one, I still like a good chew. I just have a better idea of what I can chew, that won’t make Mom start saying bad words. You can tell your dog I recommend they stick to things to chew on that don’t make their people walk around saying bad words. Life is easier that way!
Well, that’s all I have to say about that!
Signing off, woof!