Jasper’s Take on Swimming in Creeks

Jasper take on swimming in Creeks

Hi there! This is Jasper! Gasper the German Shepherd Dog. This is Jasper’s Take on Swimming in Creeks!

Yesterday I got to go swimming for the first time this year! I love swimming in the creek by our house. I really like it when Mom gets in with me because in between swimming in place against the current she splashes water for me to chase.

It Gets HOT Here

You might think what’s so great about that? Well, let me tell you it gets hot here! I mean really hot. For some reason Mom likes to dig in the dirt. It’s a thing humans do called gardening. It wasn’t so bad when she would let me come in there with her. Then I got to do helpful things like dig the dirt out of the the beds and eat her newly planted plants. That was fun! Apparently not so much for mom as now they have a fence around the garden and won’t let me in! That’s not nice! Even if I stand there looking really sad Mom won’t budge. No Gardening for Jasper. Bummer!

She will spray me with the hose when she watering. I like that! Also, I get to roll in the grass on anything stinky I can find. That’s always fun! But you can’t REALLY cool off with a hose. Did I say it gets hot here? And its only May! Just wait until July! So when Mom got all done gardening and said, “Let’s go for a swim, Jasper,” I was excited! I ran around in circles barking and that made Mom laugh.

The 4 Wheeler Dilemma

We had to go to the creek in our 4 wheeler. I have a love hate relationship with our 4 wheeler. It’s because Mom use to take me up the road and put me out so I had to run back to get a thing called “exercise.” You humans have a lot of strange idea’s. A dog would never exercise unless it involved playing or chasing something.

So anyway, once I actually got in the 4 wheeler off we went to our creek. We have property that butts up to a really nice creek. It’s not very deep but it runs all year and in some places it’s deep enough to swim. Mainly though it’s COOL all year. Well actually, in winter it’s downright cold. But yesterday it was perfect. Mom said it was refreshing once she convinced herself to dive in.

So there we were having a great time cooling off and playing chase the water. This involves Mom splashing the water with her swim paddles so I can chase it. Even though I never seem to catch it it’s great fun to try! I’m a dog remember.

People in Kayaks

Then something strange happen. People started floating by on what Mom called kayaks. You would of been so proud of me! I did not bark at even one person. Even the boat with a dog on it I completely ignored. Partly because Mom said leave it and partly because she was splashing lots of water and I was too busy chasing it to notice. As you know if you have been following my blog I struggle with dog reactivity. And if you aren’t following my blog, why? Just why?

Mom said she was she was sooo proud of me, as well she should be as I am a fantastic water chaser, even if I never catch anything. So anyway that was my very good day yesterday.

That’s all I got for now. Signing off.

Jasper the German Shepherd Dog


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