Jasper’s Take on German Shepherds and Summer Weather: The Good the Bad and the Ugly

German shepherds and summer weather


Hi there! This is Jasper, Jasper the German Shepherd Dog. I thought I’d talk about the good the bad and the ugly regarding German Shepherds and summer weather.

Double Coats are Hot

As you know, or maybe not, German Shepherds have double coats. OK, most of us have double coats. There are a few lines that the double coat has been bred out of. They must get really cold in the winter. I personally am happy to have a double coat…in the winter. Not so much in the summer.

I don’t know about where you live, but where I live its hot. Really hot! I’m really happy we have air conditioning. I will say though digging a nice hole to lie in works rather well too. However, not all people like holes in their yards. What’s up with humans? I don’t know if you are aware but some of your rules make no sense at all to dogs.

I’m lucky because my Mom does not care how many hole I dig. She just doesn’t want me to eat her trees,…or her flowers, or her shoes. She’s not too happy about socks or underwear either and they smell so good too! Sigh. But at least holes are OK.

Anyway, summer is hard on a double coated dog like us German Shepherds. I personally prefer to be inside.

Yea! It’s time to Swim

It’s not all bad though. In the summer I get to swim in our creek and pool. That’s fun! One thing to be aware of in creeks is to leave the rocks alone. Mom and I were swimming one day and she moved a big rock because she was building a ramp down to the water. Boy was that a mistake! There was a snake underneath it. Snakes must be bad because it sure excited mom! She was trying to kill it with her pick ax but kept missing. Finally she just threw the rock back on top of it and told it “leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.” I guess it worked because we did not see that snake again.

German Shepherds and summer weather

To be fair, we have been in the creek lots and this is the only time we ever saw a snake. I guess the moral is don’t pick up big rocks on the side of the creek.

Swimming in our pool and chasing the hose are also some of my favorite activities in summer. I could do these things in winter too, cause I have a double coat but Mom doesn’t. Poor Mom. Still, it’s a nice part of summer fun!

Hot Roads

Do you humans realize how hot that road gets?! Hot!! If you are going to ask us to walk with you on that black tarmac buy us booties. After all, you are wearing shoes. All kidding aside, that road can burn your dogs paw pads so be careful. I have pretty tough paws myself, except when Mom wants to trim my nails, then they are not so tough. Even so, Mom is careful to keep me off the black parts of the road. The light color is not so bad.


Alas, summer is the time of stickers. They get in your coat and even in you paws. I’m lucky as I am short coated so I don’t pick stickers up. You should see my sister Dottie! She really gets tangles bad. Sometimes Mom has to cut them out! It looks a little scary to me. The only thing to do for this is keep your yard cut and check your dog often. Those little stickers can work their way to the skin and cause sores.

Hot Cars and Heat Stroke

I’d be remiss if I did not mention hot cars. Did you know your dog can die of a heat stroke in less than 20 minutes in a hot car. Even with the widows cracked if it’s hot out you can literally kill your dog. Just don’t do it. Why take the chance? It’s estimated 2000 dogs a year die like this! Did I mention it is really hot where I live?

Bugs of all Kinds

Also, I don’t know about you, but I do not like bugs. Flies, ants, mosquitoes and especially ticks! Ugh! But they are part of summer so we must be diligent with our tick prevention in this time of year. Mom checks me for ticks all the time when we return from a walk and she also treats us with medicine to keep them away. It’s important because some bugs can carry diseases that can make us really sick. Plus, who wants to share their home with creepy crawlies? Not me!

Fun in the Sun

Despite the challenges of summer, I still love this season. There is nothing more fun than playing fetch or tug-of-war outside on a warm, sunny day. And let’s not forget about swimming! Whether it’s in a pool, lake or the ocean, there is nothing quite like cooling off with a dip in the water. Just make sure to keep an eye on your dog and always have fresh water available for them to drink. Oh and don’t forget the sunscreen for yourself and your pup if they are light colored or short coated like me! That’s right, some dogs actually sunburn! Who knew?


Summer may bring its own set of challenges for us furry friends, but with proper precautions and some extra love and care from our human companions, we can still enjoy this season to the fullest. So go out and have fun in the sun, but remember to take necessary precautions to keep us safe and healthy. And for those hot, humid days, let’s just stay inside and enjoy some extra cuddle time with our favorite humans. Cheers to a fun-filled summer with our beloved furry pals! So go on, grab your leash and sunscreen, and let’s make the most out of this season together! Woof woof! 🐾🌞☀️ Just don’t forget to watch out for those pesky bugs along the way! 🦟🐜🐝 Happy summer everyone! 🐶💕

Additional Tips for Pet Owners

  • Always carry a portable water bowl and fresh water when going out with your pet in the summer heat.
  • If your dog is prone to overheating, invest in a cooling vest or towel for them to wear during outdoor activities.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of heat stroke such as excessive panting, drooling, and lethargy. If you suspect your pet is experiencing heat stroke, immediately move them to a cool place and seek veterinary attention.
  • Avoid walking on hot pavement or asphalt as it can burn your dog’s paws. Stick to grassy areas or consider investing in protective booties for their paws.
  • Never leave your pet alone in a parked car, even for just a few minutes. The temperature inside a car can quickly reach dangerous levels and can be fatal for our furry friends.
  • Keep your pet up to date on vaccinations and flea/tick prevention to avoid any health issues during the summer months.
  • If you plan on taking your pet swimming, make sure they are comfortable in the water and always supervise them to ensure their safety.
  • Regularly check your pet’s fur/skin for any signs of sunburn or irritation and provide shade for them when needed. You can also invest in some dog-friendly sunscreen to protect their sensitive areas.
  • Remember that not all dogs are built for intense physical activities in hot weather. Take breaks as needed and don’t push your dog beyond their limits.
  • Lastly, always prioritize your pet’s safety and well-being. If it’s too hot outside, consider staying indoors or finding alternative ways to have fun with your pet such as indoor games or puzzles. ✨🐾

Don’t let the heat ruin your summer adventures with your furry best friend, just make sure to take precautions and keep them comfortable and safe! 🌞❤️🐾 Keep cool and have a paw-some rest of the summer! 😎🐶😎🐱😎🐰😎 ̴̅͂0̴̅͂7̴̅͂1̴̅͂9̴̅

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