Jasper’s Take on German Shepherd Anxiety

German Shepherd anxiety

Hi! This is Jasper. Jasper the German Shepherd dog! Today I’m going to talk about German Shepherd anxiety. Now you would think given I am a big dog with very big teeth I would not be tended towards anxiety. After all, what do I have to be afraid of?

But the fact is dogs can be anxious about lots of things. For instance I don’t like going to the vet. Of course, I don’t think any dog likes going to the vet actually, especially once they figure out shots can be involved.

Why just last month I had to go to the vet because I had a sore tail I kept chewing on. Let me tell you, that made me anxious. They put a thingy on me to hold my mouth closed. Mom says its because of my big teeth. I would never bite a person! Well OK, I bite the sleeve on my trainers arm and that technically might be called biting a person but it’s the sleeve I’m interested in. If I do a good job biting it I get to carry it around! That’s a German Shepherds favorite thing!

But I’d never bit a person otherwise. I like all people. In fact in enjoy giving them all kisses. Mom says not everybody enjoys kisses from and 80 pound dog with big teeth. That makes me sad. People smell and taste so interesting!

Mom says she believes I’d never bite a person unless she told me to like with the sleeve, but any dog in pain might not understand humans are trying to help. So I guess that may be true. I really did not like that vet touching my tail! Mom says to tell you my tail is all better now. It was something called a hot spot.

Anyway, as I was saying, dogs can be anxious about all kinds of stuff. Ever notice how some pups freak out over loud noises like thunder or fireworks? Others might get super anxious when left alone for too long—yep, that’s separation anxiety. It’s crucial for owners to spot and tackle their dog’s anxiety, just like any other health issue.

I personally get anxious any time Mom leaves the room. I like to be with her. ALL the time. Mom says. “Jasper I’d really prefer to go to the bathroom alone.” No one can say I’m not accommodating. I just turn my back and lay down by her feet. Problem solved. I even do the same when she takes a bath. Why do you humans take so many baths? Another question to ponder.

One great way to help with anxiety is through proper training and socialization from a young age. This builds confidence in dogs and teaches them to handle different situations calmly. Another tip is to provide a cozy and safe environment, like creating a designated “safe space” for them to retreat to when they’re feeling stressed. I have a place bed by Mom’s chair and a crate I sleep in at night. I’d prefer to sleep in the bed with Mom and Dad but that’s a no go for Mom. Sigh.

Sometimes, though, you might need to call in the pros for some behavioral therapy or medication. It’s all about working closely with your vet to find the best solution for your furry friend.

So there you have it. Dogs like humans can get anxious. Mom says its probably a mammalian trait, as she has not seen many anxious looking lizard. I don’t know about anxious, but they can sure run fast, let me tell you!

That’s all I got for now.

This is Jasper signing out!


PS If you want to read my blog from the beginning go here.

For more detail on dealing with dog anxiety go here.

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