Are German Shepherds Good House Dogs: Jasper’s Take


Here’s the thing about my kind, being German Shepherd Dogs, and being good house dogs, we need exercise. Lots of exercise. Not only, do we need exercise, but we also need to train. If I don’t get exercise, I start thinking about eating walls, though to be fair I only did that once and I was a puppy! It wasn’t even a big hole! I tell you though sheetrock tastes good! I don’t know why you humans make things that taste good or smell good and then get mad because German Shepherds like them. Anyway to answer the question are German Shepherds good house dogs, my answer is maybe, maybe not. It all depends on you. After all, I’m just a dog. A German Shepherd dog which does make me special but still just a dog.


As for barking, I love to bark. I have a very good voice too. You should hear me sing! It makes Mom laugh every time. Hey! Maybe that’s not a good thing. I’ll have to think about that. It all goes back to the sheep I think. When my ancestors were sheep protecting you had to have a very loud voice to scare away things like wolves. That’s what we did you see, we protected sheep. One day I’d like to meet a sheep.

What is that Mailman Doing?

As house dogs, we protect you from scary things like that mailman. Why does he keep putting things into that little box? Seems very suspicious to me. Even worse is the man that comes and takes away all that wonderful-smelling garbage. What kind of guard dog would I be if I didn’t warn you someone is taking all that good stuff? And don’t even mention that man that comes to read the meter. He comes into MY yard. How dare he? Only he won’t come in unless Mom gets me first which she does for some reason, but I keep my eye on him you better believe!

Swimming is Fun

I will say though, I don’t really like to be inside. Unless it’s hot. If it’s hot, I don’t like to be outside. Unless I’m swimming. If I’m swimming then hot is OK. I get really excited about swimming! All Mom has to do is say “Want to go swimming Jasper?” and I bark three times and turn in circles. I’m not sure why I turn in circles. It just seems like the thing to do when you are excited. I have to be careful about my tail though. It has a mind of its own. Sometimes it wags stuff off shelves. That’s not good.


As for my coat, I think it’s quite handsome. But Mom is right, I shed lots. Pillow’s worth every day. I’m not even exaggerating. Mom says so every time she brushes me. By the way, when you are brushing your GSD, don’t forget to brush our belly. We like that. It makes our back leg jiggle. I’m not sure why.

I suppose if you have carpet, that much hair could be a problem. Mom doesn’t have carpet. She says she is glad of that. I wonder how carpet would taste? Sigh. I suppose I will never know. Oh well.


So there you have it. German Shepherds can be good house dogs, IF they have good owners.

That’s all I got for now! Woff!

Jasper the Dog

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